Saturday, July 27th, at 6:30pm

Chamber Music Concert
“La Belle Époque”
Sonata in A major by César Franck
“If ye turn again, and rest, ye shall be safe; in stillness and in hope shall be your strength”
Mike Messer, Piano, Jake Muzzy, Cello
Faith Community Church building,
910 Main Street, West Chicago, IL

To request seats:

“Pay What You Want” #pwyw ($1 min). For cash or check: details.

For cash or check: email/text/tell us how many seats you would like at or (630) 303-0235 – you can chip in at the concert – or come for free (we need to keep track of seating capacity though so let us know you are coming). You can also “chip in” even if you can’t come – consider it a contribution to the community (select 0 for number of seats requested).

Past Events

June 2024

Cello & Harp Concert
“June Bride”
“the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride”
Jake Muzzy, Cello, Hannah Muzzy, Harp

May 2024

Chamber Music Concert
“May Flowers”
Tchaikovsky, Mendelssohn & More
“the lily of the valleys”
Jake Muzzy, Cello, Katie Abernethy, Violin, Janna Williamson, Piano

April 2024

Chamber Music Concert
“The Quartet Club 2”
Mendelssohn & Mozart
“a thousand blended notes”
Caroline Jones, Beth Novak, Violins, Benton Wedge, Viola, Jake Muzzy, Cello

March 2024

Chamber Music Concert
“Bach’s Cross & Irish Music
“Christ will Crown the Crossbearers” – J. S. Bach
Jake Muzzy, Cello, Hannah Muzzy, Harp, Gillian Ruch, Fiddle

February 2024

Chamber Music Concert
“Salut d’Amour”
“one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon”
Jake Muzzy, Cello, Hannah Muzzy, Harp

January 2024

Chamber Music Concert
“The Divine Dance”
Baroque Dance, Viennese Waltz, and Tango!
“He does great things beyond searching out, and wonders without number.”
Jake Muzzy, Cello, Mike Messer, Piano

December 2023

Chamber Music Concert
“Christmas Paradoxes – Songs of Longing and Hope”
“our desires [are], not too strong, but too weak”
Jake Muzzy, Cello, Benton Wedge, Violin, Katie Wetherington & Ken Muzzy, Vocals, Hannah Muzzy, Harp & Piano, Wedge & Muzzy families, Various

November 2023

Harp & Cello Concert Honoring Veterans
“Autumn Leaves”
“the feast of harvest”
Hannah Muzzy, Harp, Jake Muzzy, Cello

October 2023

Harp & Cello Concert
“The Italians – Bel Canto”
“the trees of the wood sing out”
Hannah Muzzy, Harp, Jake Muzzy, Cello

March 2023

“The Quartet Club”
Haydn “The Lark” (Op. 64, no. 5)
~ the music of friends ~
Beethoven “Razumovsky” (Op. 59, no. 3)
~ seeking our true country ~
“Now those who say such things show that they are seeking a country of their own.”
Caroline Jones, Beth Novak, Violins, Benton Wedge, Viola, Jake Muzzy, Cello

September 2022

Chamber Music Concert
“The Mendelssohn Octet”
Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 & Vivaldi’s Concerto for Two Violins and Cello.
“Let the waters teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth . . .
Lakeside Artists Guild & Friends: Tammie Ringas, Rebekah Cope, Kjell Sleipness & Caroline Jones, Violins, Benton Wedge & Johanna Yeager, Violas, Patricia White & Jake Muzzy, Cellos, Andy Anderson, Bass, and Lisa Kristina, Keyboard

The Mendelssohn Octet
Lakeside Artists Guild

January – February 2022

Harp & Cello Concert
“Salut d’Amour”
Hannah Muzzy, Harp, and Jake Muzzy, Cello

January 2020

Cello Duet Concert
“Joy and Sorrow Mingled”
“Sorrow is better than laughter, for by sadness of face the heart is made glad.”
“. . .and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always”

Jake Muzzy, Cello
Ruth Mudge, Cello


November 2019

Harp, Cello & Flute Concert
“An Army with Banners”
“Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?”
Hannah Muzzy, Harp, Jake Muzzy, Cello, Betty Meneses, Flute


October 2019

A Harp Concert for Girls at the Bells’
“I will also praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, O my God.”
Featuring Hannah Muzzy, Harp


September 2019

Harp & Cello Concert
“Water in the Desert”
Hannah Muzzy, Harp, and Jake Muzzy, Cello

Jake & Hannah